Parent 'Booster' Club:
The most effective way you can help Team SOHO would be joining the parent 'booster' club, your email will be added to a list and will be called upon in times of need. That may be helping out at a fundraiser, looking for parents to travel on trips, helping with a food table at races, or being a race volunteer. Parents are always welcome to come help out at practices or just come watch their kid in action!
Volunteer Community Development Group
If you want to be more involved and have a say in how Team SOHO conducts its youth programming you may want to consider applying to be a member of the Volunteer Community Development Group. Open positions and who is currently on the board will be posted here.
Communications Chair
Helps coaches keep pulse on what families want to know
Fundraising Chair
Soup & SoHo, Team Sponsorship
Volunteer Engagement
Works with Zach / Judy / Mark to
Other Helpful Resources/Things to do:
Become a safesport certified volunteer
Become USBA redbook certified and a SOHO certified range operator
Further your education on how to best support your child in their athletic endeavors.
Parent Mentor Session with Bill Ligety -
The most effective way you can help Team SOHO would be joining the parent 'booster' club, your email will be added to a list and will be called upon in times of need. That may be helping out at a fundraiser, looking for parents to travel on trips, helping with a food table at races, or being a race volunteer. Parents are always welcome to come help out at practices or just come watch their kid in action!
Volunteer Community Development Group
If you want to be more involved and have a say in how Team SOHO conducts its youth programming you may want to consider applying to be a member of the Volunteer Community Development Group. Open positions and who is currently on the board will be posted here.
Communications Chair
Helps coaches keep pulse on what families want to know
Fundraising Chair
Soup & SoHo, Team Sponsorship
Volunteer Engagement
Works with Zach / Judy / Mark to
Other Helpful Resources/Things to do:
Become a safesport certified volunteer
Become USBA redbook certified and a SOHO certified range operator
Further your education on how to best support your child in their athletic endeavors.
Parent Mentor Session with Bill Ligety -