As a coach, the coolest part of the job is watching young athletes grow and improve. The Comp Team does strength "testing" 3-4 times a year. The purpose is to provide feedback and help the athletes set and achieve attainable goals.
This year we have a mix of new an returning skiers. We had 3 new team records by 2 different people and 4 additional PRs by returning skiers in the spring testing! This means that we are starting this year much ahead of where we started last year and many cases ahead of where we ended last year! Our test is similar to the strength test the USST uses for REG camps and the National J2 camp. We do 1 minute of pull ups, sit ups, push ups, box jumps and bench dips. Needless to say, this might be the most sore you have ever been from 5 total minutes of activity! |
March 2017
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